Also known as quality inspection。Use a variety of inspection means, including sensory inspection, chemical inspection, instrumental analysis, physical testing, microbiology inspection, import and export commodities quality, specifications, grades, etc., to determine whether they comply with foreign trade contracts, standards and other provisions。

The scope of quality inspection is very wide,In general, it includes two aspects of appearance quality inspection and internal quality inspection: appearance quality inspection is mainly the inspection of the shape, structure, pattern, color, smell, touch, defects, surface processing quality, surface defects, etc.;Internal quality inspection generally refers to the testing of the type content of active ingredients, the limit of harmful substances, the chemical composition, physical properties, mechanical properties, process quality, use effect, etc。The same kind of goods according to different shape, size, size, shape, style, quantity, density, packaging type and so on and there are various different specifications。

The standard based on the quality inspection is your product implementation standard, or the national standard (or industry standard, local standard, enterprise standard) of the product.。The basis of product quality certification refers to the standards and corresponding technical requirements based on which the certification inspection body inspects and evaluates the quality of the product。

Because China's standard system has national standard Huai, industry standard Huai, local standard Huai, enterprise standard Huai, different products have different characteristics and characteristics requirements, so the certification body in the product quality certification work, there are mainly the following types of basis:

The quality certification of general products should be based on national standards or industry standards with international standards。For the current national standard or industry standard content can not meet the needs of certification, the certification body should be organized to formulate supplementary technical requirements。For this point, the second paragraph of Article 14 of the "Product Quality foot" stipulates that the State shall implement a product quality certification system with reference to international advanced product standards and technical requirements。The purpose of this provision is to reflect the level and level of certification。

For the product quality certification of China's famous, special and excellent products, the standards and technical requirements confirmed by the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision should be used as the basis for certification。

Third, for the certification body approved by the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision to join the corresponding international certification organization (such as: electronic devices certification committee, electrical products certification committee) for product quality certification,Should adopt the international certification organization has been published, and has been transformed into our country's national standard Huai or industry standard HUAI as the basis。

For products that have signed bilateral or multilateral cooperation agreements with relevant certification bodies abroad, product quality certification should be carried out in accordance with the standards adopted in the cooperation agreement。


State-owned central enterprises violate the eight provisions of the central mental problems

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